About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom of two sons, 12 and 10. I used to be an advertising manager. I love my new career and have thrown myself completely into it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cleaning Up For A New Friend Visit

Right now my boys are downstairs playing with a new friend. This is his first time here. My sons met him through another friend and he likes to play Yu-gi-oh as do my sons, especially my younger one. We happened to see him with his mom and sister a day after they met and his mom and me agreed that it would be nice for them to get together sometime. So after a week or so, we invited him over.

Since his mom has never seen our place, I wanted to straighten up and make the place look nice and neat, like it always looks like that (ha,ha). So beyond the usual picking up, I vacuumed, cleared tables and counters (as much as possible), wiped down sinks and counters and re-folded the bathroom towels. Then I brushed my hair and put on new lipstick. It was as if we were having company. Mind you, I do not go through all of this for all their friends. Once we get to know them well and feel comfortable with them, I relax.

Do you find that you do this too? It's just that I want to make a good impression on a mom that I'm getting to know and I want her to feel comfortable having her son at my house. I like when we get past this stage because it's a lot of work and truth be told - I really don't like cleaning, although of course it's a necessary evil.


  1. Hi,

    I found your site on Twitter Moms and I like this post. My daughters have a regular friend that comes over, but I've known her Mom since I was fourteen. However, I still usually do a little extra to the house when I know they're coming. There are some days though that my energy is zapped. Stop by my site: http://cleverlychanging.com and follow me on twitter: Cleverlychangin.

  2. I definitely do this. We have friends who come over and see the worst, and friends that come over and see the best. No one sees the worst until I'm comfortable enough for them to see me in my santa, monkey pj pants. ;)

    Found you at twittermoms.com
